Reach. Plant.

Train. Serve.

We are honored to be used as God’s hand extended around the globe by supporting these missionaries and the work they do to share the Gospel of Jesus.

Adullam International Ministries

This ministry began as the Lord gave Pete and Angie Spackman a burden for the forgotten children of society. Adullam house is a loving environment where children come for a short term rescue or a permanent home. God’s love and His Holy Spirit is poured into these children’s lives as He heals pain from poverty, neglect and abuse.

Amistad Familiar

Carlos and Marilu Marinelarena, their daughter Gaby and son-in law Mike are the founders of Amistad Familiar. This ministry is located in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico and has 7 feeding centers. Every morning each child that comes to the feeding center is fed breakfast and is taught the Word of God. They also minister in the 2 prisons located within their city.

Trumpet Ministries

David and Judy Tolbert have served in every facet of ministry for over the last 30 years.They now serve as evangelists that minister around the world and run the School of Christ in the Philippines.

River of Life International

Darrel and Gwen Turner have committed their life to preaching the truth of the Bible around the world. Their primary mission work is done in Armenia through the House of Hope. The House of Hope takes in the abandoned elderly of Armenia and provides them with the necessities of life in a caring Christian environment.

Pastor Friday and Precious Nnah

The Nnah’s live and minister in Nigeria, West Africa. They have founded over 13 churches within the villages of Nigeria and resides as Bishop over all the churches. God has given them the opportunity to open a school for the orphans from the local villages where they provide education, food, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

New Tribes Missions

Ron and Shirley Hudson have served as missionaries with New Tribe Missions for over 5o years. They have traveled to the remote jungles of South America to reach the native people with the message of The Gospel. They are currently serving as Evangelists with New Tribes Missions.